Thursday, April 11

dinner and ball

We arrived at the inn, a dirty, spacious, dear, and badly attended hotel,with good wine and good living, as we thought at least, who had just quitted a transport.
On landing, we went to report our arrival to the Commandant, Colonel Peacock, of the Guards*, who asked us all to dine with him the next day. Mr. Stuart**, our Minister, gave a ball, to which we were also invited.
 In the evening we attended our dinner and ball ; the latter was very gay : the military and naval uniforms of our own country mingled with those of Portugal and Spain ; the dark eyes and expressive countenances of the Lisbon ladies, contrasted with the fair faces of our countrywomen, formed a novel and agreeable mixture.
 The women of Portugal have fine eyes, which are their principal attraction, and more expressive countenances than the tamer beauties of the North.

 * Afterwards Lieut. General Sir Warren Peacock, K.C.B. **Afterwards Lord Stuart de Kothsay, our Ambassador at Paris.
